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High - Level Overview
Face recognition can work as a means of access control to ensure that only authorized individuals to get into facilities like labs, boardrooms, bank vaults, training centers for athletes and other sensitive locations.
With our system you can test a input image to see if it matches with a large database in our system and if its a match it provides us with a best matched face of the individual and it grants access to select individual in the database
How it Works:
Algorithm Steps:
Use Viola-Jones Algorithm to identify faces on the images.​​​​​
Take images and apply gray scale filter for easier manipulation.
Haar basis are used within the Viola-Jones Algorithm to identify face​s.
Hog feature detector that generates a vector.
Vector is used in the comparator to determine if input image is in the database.
In Class DSP Tools:
Haar Features (Haar Basis from class)
Image Processing (GrayScale, Change Background, Cropping, Resize)
Out of Class DSP Tools:
*Click on underline words to learn more.
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